Rider Wars

100+ Days to become a better horsewoman or man,
Not just in the saddle, but on the ground and all around.
Rider Wars are Here!
The 2025 Appalachian Trainer Face Off welcomes
a new division for riders who want to improve their skills and compete
against others to show who can go the furthest during the event.
There will be a virtual division and in person division.
There will be a clinican award for the mentor who helps
take riders the furthest, as well!
If you're interested in being a mentor, let us know.
You will have goals, clinic meet ups, videos requirements
and more during the 100+ day event.​
Apply Here to be a Competing Rider
There will be 2 divisions for the in-person event and
1 Division for the virtual event (Journeyman only).
All division competitors will need to commit and invest in the program fully.
This will require time and some financial commitment.
You do not have to own a horse to take part, but you do need to enroll in a local lesson program where you’re riding at least every other week at a lesson barn of YOUR CHOICE.
Please do not overshoot your skill –
The goal of this competition is to be candid about where you are now,
so you can go further during this event.
Apprentice -
Apply for this division if you have a limited number of (or zero) years riding independently, have no more than a basic understanding of ground work or none at all, may not fully know the differences in bit and other equipment functions, cannot easily spot poor or correct saddle fit, cannot usually detect lameness.
Visit here to determine your riding level now
Apprentice level riders would be Level 1-4 riders
Journeyman –
Apply for this division if you have a more than a few years riding independently, have worked to establish a good working understanding of groundwork, can easily spot equine lameness, poor saddle fit and know how bits and other equipment function. You may have started a few horses, be a riding instructor or compete in shows.
But please select which division you feel fits best.
Visit here to determine your riding level
Journeyman riders would be level 5-8 riders
Ultimately, your division WILL be assigned by the HOP advisory board based on
your application and video submissions.
You will use local lesson program horses we select from trainers we know and trust. We will select horses actively being used for lessons. We will have horses for both levels, both journeyman and apprentice. We will make sure there are horse size options for riders. You can meet and handle the horses before riding and the competition, and you can ride the horse prior.
Submission of riding video and how to submit. Please upload your riding video of 10+ minutes or more to either google drive and link us or upload to an unlisted link and link us on the ATFO Facebook page. The video is ideally a single take, unedited and filmed without pauses showing haltering horse, leading, tacking horse, mounting for all both levels and all divisions. Walk / Trot for Apprentice, and W/T/C for Journeyman. Include anything extra you'd like in your video.
Full answers ABOUT THIS EVENT can be found on THE APPLICATION Here
We are looking for mentors who have an established presence in the horse community they live in. This means you train and/or give lessons or maybe you’re a clinician. You have been in the horse world awhile and have built a thriving program with a good track record with humans and horses. You need to enjoy interaction with people who are learning, or at least enjoy making the horse world a better place by imparting knowledge.
Mentors for Rider Wars will commit to hosting individual riders for in person and virtual sessions from the end of April through August 20th, 2025. The competing riders will expect a 2 hour (more or less) session on either riding or ground work, with elements covering choices of bits, knowing whether a horse is experiencing discomfort, basic understanding of saddle fit, as well as a follow up video submission for the mentor to review and provide feedback on at least once.
Riders cover the cost of this visit, which includes the feedback of on their video submission.
The fee will be decided by Heart of Phoenix and be across the board for all mentors.
Mentors must be reliable and have an establish business training, providing lessons and/or clinics. We will be looking for mentors with an eye for solid horsemanship, comfort of the horse, saddle fit knowlege, a heart for equine welfare and a solid ability to teach.
This event will help you expand your client base as a clinican, better your skills as an instructor (riders will fill out and submit surveys after they leave a session with you), and it will establish you as a go to person when someone wants to learn. It is an ideal platform to help you if you're looking to gain clients online and in person nationally.
Mentors ARE competing, as well. The mentor who coaches the top 1-3 riders (points combined) in all divisions (a scale to make this equal for all mentors, as some will coach more than others will be created) will receive a cash prize and award.
Still have questions? Email us at Equinerescue@live.com
Roles and Process of Rider Wars
Two Divisions for the In-person portion: Apprentice (lower level) and Journeyman (upper level). Virtual Division is Journeyman level only. All levels compete against their fellow riders in their division. Riders gather points from the start of the competition. Points process will be shared before April 15th, 2025. Points come from meeting posting requirements, video posting requirements, mentor meet ups (3 required per trainer, more are optional for more points), online assignments, attending optional clinics and workshops (saddle bit, equine feeding seminars, any care seminars – must be pre-approved by HOP to qualify for points) and final scoring from Judges during the ATFO, either in person or virtually, in August (22nd for in-person portion. Virtual will likely finalize the week prior). Winners will receive an award package and all riders receive a portion off adoption fees (winners receive a higher discount) of adoptable horses at Heart of Phoenix and other participating rescues (will be announced through the 100-day process or prior). Journeymen meet with 3 different mentors, at least, during the event. Apprentice riders must meet the same MENTOR (unless schedule conflicts prevent it) at least once every 35 days. Virtual Division will have flexibility to meet with MENTORS via online lessons, if a trip to the mentors isn’t possible. RIDERS cover their costs and the lesson fees. MENTOR fees will be uniform across all of those taking part and shared before the event starts. We will likely select 8 riders per section. Riders do not have to own a horse, but they must be able to take lessons at least twice a month with a lesson provider they find locally.
Competing would-be or current clinicians or lesson providers who agree to schedule RIDERS during the 100+ days from late April through August 20th for 2 hour blocks of instruction. Mentors should be open to as many RIDERS as seek them out to schedule with them. Schedule should be made several weeks in advance, staring May 1st. A mentor will review the submission video of the RIDER before the lesson. The Mentor will decide what the lesson needs to be, with consideration to the RIDER’s comments once they meet. Mentor will provide a horse to be used for the ground work and / or riding lesson. Mentors may schedule as many lessons with the RIDER as their schedules allow. Mentors will send HOP a short overview of each rider’s lesson that is shared with our RIDER WARS coaches. RIDERS are required to meet with a mentor every 35 days during the event. A scale will be developed to allow a scoring system where the top performing mentor with the highest number of RIDERS with the highest scores and placements at the end of the event will receive a CASH AWARD. RIDERS will provide HOP feedback and scorecards on how well they learned from each mentor, as well. This engagement is intended to make the MENTORS BETTER teachers and to grow a client base. There is no limited to the number of mentors we will accept that meet our criteria. Mentors may offer incentives (lower fees, more training time) to encourage RIDERS to come to them. This is a competition, remember!
Coaches will be assigned 4-6 RIDERS. Coaches will review the Rider’s initial video and application. Coach will review all of his RIDERS’ 35 day update videos, posts and MENTOR notes. COACH will share a details, understandable critique of where the rider needs to focus and improve. This will be done 3 times per rider through the event. At the end, COACH will provide a summary that will be shared with the RIDER WARS Judges.
Judges will offer a final score the points the RIDERS have accumulated over the course of the 100+ day event. Judges will be asked to give most consideration in point to the RIDER that has come the furthest in each division. There will be 2-4 judges. Judges will review initial video submissions, COACH write up and final video submissions for the virtual portion, and score the in-person competitors at the ATFO August 22nd.
Final riding requirements will be shared nearer the event. In-person competitors will ride horses HOP sources from local lesson programs. The competition in-person will be similar to what trainers do in the basic skills portion of the ATFO. The virtual portion will require a SINGLE TAKE video filmed between certain dates near the end of August to be submitted.
Riders can ride their lesson provider's horses, their mentor's horses or haul in their own horses for the purpose of the learning modules and classes during the event. They will not compete on their own horse, though.